The Hug & Quiche brand was a dream project for us. It combined a lot of our favorite things: good people, delicious food, moody photography, and beautiful flowers.

When we saw Marisa’s food shots and realized she uses flowers for all her props, we knew we had to take her brand in a floral direction. How can you not go for that simple and romantic edge whenever possible?

As it happens, that concept led to a brand that Marisa and we are obsessed with.

The moodboard

The start of a brand always begins with an inspiration board that we’ll use to guide the rest of a client’s project. It’s a collection of images, fonts, styles, and tones that together give an impression of the final brand aesthetic.

In this case, it was romantic, sweet, and moody. Which basically describes everything we could want from a tiny Italian restaurant in the heart of Italy. Bene.

Hug & Quiche Brand

The logo + color scheme

After deciding to include floral elements in Hug & Quiche’s brand, nothing would do but that we hand-drew a variety of Sweet Peas to use in the logo. Sweet Peas originated in Italy—did we mention that’s where Marisa’s family is from?—and their meaning is blissful pleasure, making them the perfect choice to represent Hug & Quiche’s sinfully delicious treats.

And the color scheme? Sweet and moody, they offer a beautiful range of color options to tie into their food photos.

Hug & Quiche Brand

The submarks

We wanted to make sure Hug & Quiche had a logo option that works for every possible need, so we created a secondary and submark that fit square and vertical needs.

Hug & Quiche Brand

The collateral

We’ll let her marketing collateral speak for itself, but you should know we’re obsessed with the floods of color and big, in-your-face delizioso food photography.

Hug & Quiche Brand

Bottom line: we can’t wait until Marisa invites us over for dinner. We might even move in so we’re always on hand when she’s inspired to cook.

Want to check out her recipes or the Hug & Quiche brand in action? Head over to Marisa’s website!
